TXTA Foundation Releases Children’s Book
"Semi Sam is a Trucker Man"
After many years of development, TXTA is pleased to announce the publication of Semi Sam is a Trucker Man, written by Cornell P. Landry and illustrated by Melissa Vandiver. The book chronicles the adventures of Semi Sam and his two dogs, Mack and Molly, as they travel coast to coast delivering all of life’s essentials. The idea behind the book is to introduce the youngest generations to truck driving and the value it brings to our daily lives.
The idea of publishing a children’s book originated in 2017 in the Emerging Leaders Council (ELC) and has been discussed throughout the years. The ELC Class of 2022 championed the cause and immediately went to work on development and production—spearheaded by Kellam Maynor with W&B Service Company.
Like all projects, funding is a necessity and the ELC went to the TXTA Foundation to request $25,000 for the initial order of 3,000 books. The Trustees unanimously approved the request in February 2021. All proceeds from the book will go directly to the TXTA Foundation.
A tremendous thank you goes out to ELC Members Adam Blanchard, Beau Brinson, Josh Maddox, Kellam Maynor, Khrista Bishop Roach, Justin Sowell, John Thomas and Josh Thompson, the ELC Class of 2022, Glenna Bruun, and Tracey Maynor for their involvement in making this book a reality.
Thank you also to the TXTA Foundation Trustees who approved the funding request in 2021 and made this possible: Chairman Brandon Woods, Vice Chairman Wynne Breeden, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer Bob McDowell, Craig Barker, Kirsten Barringer, John Craddock, Jay Ferguson, Melissa Gaytan, John Greene, Greg Hughes, Gene Lee, India Loth, Dan Lundquist, Kevin Mathews, Xan Minnix, John Mondics and Bernie Warriner. We look forward to sharing Semi Sam is a Trucker Man with you all!