Lawsuit Reform

For far too long, the trucking industry has witnessed first-hand the abuse personal injury trial lawyers have inflicted on the trucking industry. They've taken advantage of the system and loopholes within the current laws to win overly inflated insurance payouts for their clients. These verdicts have created a ripple effect across the trucking industry causing insurance premiums to skyrocket and at times, forcing companies to close their doors.

The abuses and unfair environment in our legal system must end. To make that effort a reality, TXTA launched the Lawsuit Reform Initiative in 2019 to ensure the public and legislature are aware of the essential nature of trucking and the damage lawsuit abuse is causing to our industry. Significant steps forward were taken during the 87th Legislative Session with the passage of House Bill 19, but there is still more work to do.

Our goal is to restore fairness in adjudicating catastrophic crashes involving trucks. We strongly believe that when a motor carrier acts wrongfully, and that wrongful conduct injures those with whom we share the roads, the motor carrier should be held accountable and those injured should be fairly compensated. But various trends are transforming truck accident cases into a profit-making business, rather than a fair system for holding bad actors accountable.


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